Sunday, January 12, 2014

Le Puy

Yesterday morning about 13 of us walked into Yssingeaux and caught a bus to Le Puy. It was only about 40 minutes away. Once we got there we found all the markets in the center of town. They just had booth after booth of clothing and shoes. We walked a little more into town and found farmers markets. It was so amazing. There was so much incredible food. Fresh produce, cheese, sausage, cured meats, and bread. They also sold live chickens and rabbits. They had crepe carts and a cart that had about 100 rotisserie chickens cooking. The smell was unbelievable. And I had the best clementines I've ever had. 

So we walked around Le Puy all day long. It's so beautiful there. All the roads are cobble stones and the buildings are close together. It's all so picturesque. The buildings all have shutters and theyre all so brightly painted. I'm slightly obsessed with all the shutters. It's just so cute. 

We also walked up a giant mountain to a castle that was once a church. The view at the top was unlike anything I've ever seen. The weather has also been perfect. It's been sunny and 48. 

We literally walked around Le Puy for 10 hours and we weren't planning on staying that long but we had to because the next bus wasn't until 6pm. And I wasn't wearing appropriate shoes so that kind of sucked but I survived!

Today we didn't really do much. Just explored Yssingeaux some more. Classes start tomorrow, I almost forgot that I'm actually supposed to be here doing school work! Hah 

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